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четвер, 14 жовтня 2021 р.


Сьогодні відкрилась нова віртуальна галерея ART OF ENERGY 2021 (University of St. Andrews, Scotland), де можно побачити нашу з Martyna Krupa (Scotland) виставку "What Does Post-Industrial Look Like?" ("Як виглядає постіндустріальний період?"), що складається з постіндустріальної пейзажної фотографії з Шотландії та України, зроблену за кураторством Victoria Donovan (Scotland).

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Comprising post-industrial landscape photography from Scotland and Ukraine by Martyna Krupa and Mykhailo Kulishov, and intersecting with Victoria Donovan's research on the visual heritage of industrialization in the UK and Ukraine, this exhibition reflects on the question: what does post-industrial look like? We are often presented with a visual dichotomy when it comes to the post-history of industrialization. Celebratory industrial aesthetics dominate heritage representations of industry, while depressing post-industrial visions, including post-apocalyptic "ruin porn.” reign on Instagram. This collection of works is concerned with the way nature redefines industrial spaces after humans abandon them, and how humans return to find meditative solace in these landscapes.

Victoria Donovan is a Senior Lecturer in Russian at the School of Modern Languages and an AHRC Leadership Fellow on the project, Donbas in Focus: Visions of Industry in the Ukrainian East. Her research explores the ways that Donbas, a heavily industrialised region in Eastern Ukraine, was depicted in photography and film across the twentieth and twenty-first centuries and asks how these processes continue to resonate in the region's political and cultural landscapes today.

Mykhailo Kulishov is a historian, geologist, and photographer based in Bakhmut, Donbas. He is the curator of the archive, a rich repository of historical and visual sources relating to the industrial history of the Donbas region.

Martyna Krupa was a participant at the schools photography workshops on the bings (oil shale spoil heaps) of West Lothian, Scotland, that took place in July 2021. The workshop is the first of four community-led initiatives in the UK that aim to stimulate new thinking and creativity in response to post-industrial heritage sites. The workshop was coordinated as part of Victoria Donovan's AHRC-funded project "Donbas in Focus: Visions of Industry in the Ukrainian East."